Welcome to Hopes Bus Service PTY LTD

Gunnedah's Trusted
Bus Service

Hopes Bus Service - Established in 1975
Family Owned & Operated
23 School Routes & 1 Town Service

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Click on a route below to see maps, schedules, and bus stops for that route. Country routes and timetables may vary slightly depending on student numbers. Please contact office to confirm pick up times.

Keep up to date with any unforeseen changes to routes and services

News & Updates

January 27, 2020

School Bus Safety

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January 27, 2025

School Bus Safety - Slow Down to 40

The NSW Government is committed to working with industry and the community to improve safety around buses and is implementing a campaign targeting motorists to highlight the laws around bus flashing lights.

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January 27, 2025

School Bus Safety - Informal Bus Stops

The NSW Government is committed to working with industry and the community to improve safety around buses and is implementing a campaign targeting motorists to highlight the laws around bus flashing lights.

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January 28, 2025

Cohens Bridge Closure

Click below for information.

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January 29, 2025

School Terms

Please see links to schools for term dates.

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Cohens Bridge Closure

January 28, 2025

Amended timetables for Wean, Keepit Dam & Kelvin Bus Routes

More News

Student Eligibility Criteria for Free Bus Travel

To be eligible for the Scheme the student must be a resident of NSW, at least 4 years and 6 months of age and enrolled as one of the following:

  • An infant student (K –2) regardless of the distance between their home and school

  • A primary student (Years 3–6) who lives more than 1.6 km (straight line distance) from school, or 2.3 km or more by the most direct practical walking route to the nearest entry point to the school

  • A secondary student (Year 7–12) who lives more than 2 km (straight line distance) from school, or 2.9 km or more by the most direct practical walking route to the nearest entry point to the school

  • A TAFE student under 18 years of age at 1st January of the year of application who are:

  • Enrolled in a full-time TAFE course for a minimum of 20 hours a week

  • Not employed

  • Living more than 3.2 km from the college by the most direct practical walking route

  • Attending the college closest to their home where enrolment is available.

  • Non-Australian citizens and students temporarily in Australia

Certain non-Australian citizens and students temporarily in Australia are eligible for free or subsidised travel, depending on their visa subclass. Students who are eligible for a free government education are also eligible for subsidised transport if they meet the general eligibility requirements. You will need to quote your visa subclass number when applying for the SSTS, in addition to meeting the standard eligibility criteria.

Student Responsibilities

When completing an application for subsidised travel under the Scheme, parents and guardians acknowledge that students have been made aware of the Codes of Conduct.

The codes were developed in conjunction with the bus industry, Sydney Trains, representatives of parent groups and education authorities.

They aim to ensure both the safety of students and the comfort of other passengers by outlining the behaviour required of students when travelling to and from school.

Parents and Guardians Responsibilities

Parents and guardians are asked to discuss these simple rules with their children so that they understand the standards of behaviour required of students.

Depending on the seriousness of the misbehaviour, students may be penalised if they breach the code. Students may have their travel pass temporarily or permanently suspended and may be required to make alternative travel arrangements.

Students misbehaving on trains and railway stations may have their travel pass confiscated for up to one year and be required to pay regular fares for travel to and from school.

Page 3 of The School Student Transport Scheme Updated on November 2015 states student conduct when they are travelling between home and school, they must adhere to various regulations regarding passenger behaviour and the Codes of Conduct for travel by bus and/or train.

Safety Rules and Procedures

To ensure their safety and the comfort of other passengers students will:

  • Behave safely at all times

  • Respect the needs and comfort of other passengers

  • Behave appropriately at all times (e.g. No use of offensive language, fighting, spitting)

  • Placing feet on seats or throwing things in or from the bus/train/ferry)

  • Protect all property and report any vandalism

  • Show their travel pass or ticket when requested (or if they been issued with a school opal card, always tap on and tap off)

  • Only use the travel pass for its intended purpose

  • Maintain possession of the travel pass at all times

  • Follow instructions about safety

  • Adhere to the law that bans smoking

  • Not eat and drink in prohibited areas

  • Keep arms, legs and other parts of their bodies inside the bus/train/ferry

  • Only attract the attention of the bus driver in case of emergency

Get in touch

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Our Details

Hopes Bus Service
26 Railway Ave, Gunnedah NSW 2380

Monday-Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM

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